Decoding the Wagner Group Shadow Network
An Inside Look at Russia's Irregular Warfare Strategy
For nearly a decade, the Wagner Group served as the central pillar of Russia’s global irregular warfare strategy, operating across three continents to reassert Russia’s interests on the world stage.
With the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the organization once again facing profound changes under direct Kremlin control, it is more critical than ever to understand how theWagner Group functioned behind the scenes.

We Investigated How Russia Created an Off-Book Shadow Army
New America's Future Frontlines program has investigated how Russia created an organized crime cartel to stand up a shadow army to bypass sanctions and arms embargoes, service state clients, shore up autocratic regimes, and mobilize manpower for the country's wars, with devastating consequences for civilian populations.

We provide an unprecedented look inside the complex ecosystem of shell companies, military operations, and political influence machinery that allowed the Wagner Group to thrive under Prigozhin's leadership and advance the Kremlin’s strategic aims.
Explore the Wagner Ecosystem
Dive into our interactive data visualizations, leadership dossiers, country maps, and comprehensive analysis to uncover the depth and impact of Russia’s irregular strategy.
Go Deeper

Wagner-linked Telegram channels
Explore our archive of Wagner-linked VKontakte and Telegram channels, featuring exclusive content from now-deleted groups, including real-time records of Prigozhin's June 2023 mutiny.

Wagner Personnel Data
The Wagner Group Personnel Dataset details employment information on 13,000+ irregular fighters employed by the Kremlin-backed Prigozhin cartel. The dataset provides an unprecedented look into the organizational structure and operational culture of the Wagner Group, painting a granular picture of the command and control hierarchy.
Qualified researchers and law enforcement can request access to our proprietary dataset of 13,000+ Wagner personnel records.

About Future Frontlines
New America’s Future Frontlines program is a hub for cutting-edge research on the changing character of conflict, competition, and cooperation in global affairs. Our mission is to leverage open source information, data science, and investigative methods to spotlight international security challenges and deliver strategic insight into geopolitical trends. We have long been at the forefront of researching and documenting Russian irregular warfare and Wagner Group operations.
The goal of this project is to aid the international community in bringing the Wagner Group network to account.
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